Welcome to Adult English


Learning never stops even for Adults

We know the difficulty to find time, and resources to continue learning English as an adult. As an English Language support training centre, we encourage lifelong learning for self-directed adult learners through our flexible and customized programs. 

With our Spoken English courses and General Proficiency which includes grammar mastery and increasing vocabulary, you will soon be speaking and writing more effectively for your own target audience in your social and professional contexts.

Besides general English Proficiency courses, individuals sitting for international exams such as IELTS or SATS will be well prepared for the test with our intensive exam preparation program.

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Our Adult English Courses

Help those who are genuinely needing support to speak clearly so that they can be heard and understood, help those who want to overcome their shyness in speaking clearly, in vocabulary, simple grammar, and speaking

This customised course is to help those who wants to overcome their shyness in speaking clearly, in vocabulary, simple grammar, and speaking.

This customised course is for students who are planning to take the IELTS or SATS test for academic or general purposes. The course will help learners to score well in the IELTS test by focusing on developing the key language skills required.

Our Adult English Classes !

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