Pri 4-6 English


PSLE Intensive with Writing
Writing is deemed as the pinnacle of all learning. Many children struggle with writing. Class activities include 3 stages.
Stage 1: Model building (insert photo), sharing of their models, and listening others. This Build-&-Share promotes planning, organising of ideas, and listening to others stories. This pre-writing interaction enhances learner’s social, emotional and psychological development of making sense of themselves and their world.
Stage 2: Process and write their first draft guided by Six BRICKS to break down the BEGINNING-MIDDLE-END components, to better organise the flow of their composition.
Stage 3: Writers will edit their work with close awareness to their plot, developing characterisation using narrative techniques in organising their paragraphs.

1 to 1 Coaching : $100 per session
Group Coaching: $110 per session
Course Dates: Thursdays & Saturdays
Timing: 4-6pm & 9-11am respectively


Individual, Group

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