Course 2: Six Bricks Level 2 Certified Training
Pre-requisite: Completed Level 1, and being a 6B Practitioner for a min 3 months


Six Bricks Level 2 Certified Training


Six Brick is an impactful intervention learning tool to address and train executive functions. This course explores more socio-emotional group activities that are extended from Level 1. Participants are taken into a play arena with Level 2 activities which are more complex. Besides encompassing all the developmental areas and Executive Functions (from Level 1), Level 2 activities are designed and incorporated with Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, involving many of these intelligences in the games and activities.

Participants will work in groups to design an activity suited to their target audience.

Learning Outcomes for Level 2: (SKILL, KNOWLEDGE, COMPETENCIES)

    • Gain a deeper understanding of Six Bricks
    • Experience a wider range of Six Bricks activities covering socio-emotional, problem-solving, collaboration and team building
    • Able to conduct more complex Six Bricks activities
    • Enjoy being playful
    • Able to design a range of more cognitively challenging activities that suit your target audience

Table of Detailed course contents

Components Content for LEVEL 1
Ice Breaker – 15mins Icebreaker – Good morning Brick Hunt
Introduction- 1 hour Bricksxercise
Workshop Activities* –  
1 hours Birthday Present
  Back to Back
  Pattern Sounds
  Picture Templates
Tea-Break (15min)  
Workshop Activities – 1hr Depth Perception Templates
  Memory Games
  Pyramid Wall Game
  Bridge Build
  Hanging Around
Lunch Break (1hr)  
  Warm and Cool Creatures
  Roger Rabbit
  News Time
  A Friend
   Crossing the B-Line Mat
Tea-Break (15min)  
Assessment (1hr) Focused Group Discussion and Design of Task
Evaluation (1hr) Presentation of Assignment
Feedback (15min) Sharing and Survey

*Please note that the above activities are subject to change throughout the course(s) by the discretion of the trainer.

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